The Return of Helper Idol
The Helper Arts, Music and Film Festival is excited to announce the return of "Helper Idol" as we enter our twentieth-fifth year of bringing the arts to Helper and surrounding area. This competition was modeled after "American Idol"—a singing competition television series. Helper Idol follows a similar format, and this year the preliminary event to determine the ten finalists will happen during the regularly scheduled First Friday event on August 2 from 6:00 PM–9:00 PM.
We invite patrons to bring chairs and enjoy the competition on Helper's Historic Main St. The street will be closed during the preliminary competition and everyone is encouraged to come out and cheer for their contestant! Select judges will determine the ten finalists moving on in the competition to perform Saturday night during the Helper Arts, Music and Film Festival. The ten finalists will perform beginning at 6:00 PM at the stage in the Main St. Park and that group will be reduced to the top three. Those three contestants will perform a second song with the judges determining first, second and third places. Prize money will be awarded the night of the contest and first place will receive $3,000; second place $1,500 and third place $500. This is an opportunity to share a rich talent base and to draw us closer as a community in supporting the arts. Join us as we celebrate our 25th birthday and return Helper Idol to our Main St. Stage—it will be a night to remember.